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Machines & equipment for sale

Retsch GmbH Glen Creston Lab GY-RO Mill

Used / Second Hand

Sold As Seen Price [?]
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In stock now
From a working environment
Stock No
Retsch GmbH
Year of Manufacture
From a working environment
Approx. 1500rev/min
0.5Hp // 0.37kW
Other Info
Interlocked Safety Switch
Our Central Warehouse, Aldridge, UK
External Dimensions (WxDxH mm) [?]
680 x 640 x 1070
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For high-speed uniform grinding to the analytical fineness of wet and dry samples, the Glen Creston GY-RO Mill is suitable for the sample preparation of rocks and minerals to ceramics and cement.

Precision sample preparation for XRF and AA analysis as well as for geological/mineral assay work. Suitable for a wide range of grinding dishes, from the most fragile to the hardest and heaviest. The British-made GY-RO mill (now owned by Retsch in Germany) is the perfect choice for rapid, homogeneous and reproducible grinding of samples, both wet and dry. Widely used in geological/mineral assay work for sample preparation as well as for wet chemistry and instrumental analysis, such as XRF spectroscopy.  

Materials routinely ground by this method include brick, castings, cement, ceramics, chemicals, clinker, coal, coke, concrete, ferro-alloys, fertilisers, fluxes, glass, iron, limestone, minerals, paint, pesticides, pharmaceuticals, dried plant material, ore, precious stones, rocks, metals, sand, slags, silicates, soil, steel and wood.

The GY-RO mill is particularly recommended for grinding smaller samples from 1cc to 250cc. Typically, the maximum initial particle size is approximately 12mm, depending on hardness of the material.

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Photographs taken prior refurbishment. Our refurbishment service is not available on all machines.