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Machines & equipment for sale

Riley Surface World Privacy Policy

We collect some information about you and the company you work for so we can do business together. This Privacy Policy explains how and why we collect and use data.

Who are we?

We are Riley Industries Ltd, Middlemore Lane West; Aldridge, Walsall, West Midlands, WS9 8BG, UK. We use a trading name of Riley Surface World. In this document ‘We’ or ‘RSW refers to Riley Industries Ltd.

Riley Industries Ltd is the data controller for any data we collect about you.

We are registered with the Information Commissioners Office (Ref ZA356748)

How do we look after your data?

The UK and EU have some of the strongest data protection laws in the world. From 25th May 2018 the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) adds to the Data Protection Act and Privacy and Electronic Communications Regulations (PERC). These set out a framework for how companies should treat the data they collect.

RSW takes these responsibilities seriously.

  • We try to collect no more information than we need to
  • We minimise how we share data with third parties
  • We audit and categorise the data we collect by how sensitive it is
  • We use recognised assessments to decide how to handle data
  • We have IT policies in manage the security of our systems
  • We train staff about how they should handle data and their responsibilities
  • We keep you informed about how we manage data and your rights

What information does RSW collect and why?

You can find our web site at, and we use social media such as Twitter and LinkedIn etc. We also use email, telephone, fax, SMS, post and we like to see you in person.

All of these methods of communicating with our customers and suppliers result in data being collected.

Personal data vs business data

Although most of our services are business to business the most enjoyable part of working for RSW is working with the people we come into contact with. Therefore, we try to treat all the information we collect as personal data.

Your contact details

Most often we will ask you for your name, address, email address, telephone etc. but we might ask for other details like job description.

We use these details to contact you for the performance of a contract with you or in our legitimate interest to contact you via telephone or via postal services.

Your requirements

If you are a customer we will collect information about the products and services you want from us. This can be a small amount of information or can sometimes be a lot of information depending on the requirements you have. We need these to perform our contract with you.

If you are a supplier we will collect information about the products and services you want us to buy from you including quotations. We need these to perform our contract with you.

Invoice and payment details

If we do business together and orders are placed we will need to collect and hold some extra information including payment information such as banking details, invoices and taxation. We need these to perform our contract with you.

Visitors to our web site

Our web site uses encryption to handle the data that goes back and forth between your computer and our web server. You may know this technology as https or SSL.

When you use our web site we collect anonymous data about which pages you look at, what technology you are using etc. We do this using industry standard software provided by Google Analytics. This technology can’t identify who you are but it does involve using cookies on your computer, see below for details.

We use SiteSearch460 to supply the search engine feature on our web site. They also collect anonymous data about how you use the search.

We collect this information in RSW’s legitimate interest to make our website better and understand the needs of our customers.

Web site members & enquiries

If we collect personal data about you on our web site we will be upfront about this, because we will ask you to fill in a form. This may be a registration form, enquiry form or log in form etc.

If you log in to our web site we keep a record of which machines you view. This is so we can help you find the machinery you are looking for. This is in RSW’s legitimate interest.

Online purchases

If you buy a machine on our web site using a payment card we will hand you over to SagePay for part of the process. We have chosen SagePay to handle our online card payments according to the security driven PCI industry standards. We need these to perform our contract with you.

Marketing messages

We send email to people who have opted in to receive them, usually as a member of our web site.  You can opt out of these emails at any time.

We usually call these ‘Machine Alert’ emails as it is how we tell you about machines that we have available. Where possible we segment these emails and only send you details of the type of machine you are interested in. You can tell us about which machines you would like to hear about when you register as a member on our web site.

We collect data about how these emails performed, how many opens they had and how many clicks they had, who unsubscribed etc.

These emails are sent to you using software provided by Wired Marketing who act as a data processor on our behalf.


We like to give you an opportunity to tell us how we are performing so we sometimes send Voice of the Customer surveys to you via email. These surveys are sent to you and answers are collected using software provided by Wired Marketing who act as a data processor on our behalf. It is in RSW’s legitimate interest to carry out these surveys.

Online advertising

We use several online advertising platforms such as Google AdWords and LinkedIn. Adverts for RSW products and services may appear when you use Google or other web sites across the internet. These advertising platforms set cookies on your computer (see below) so they can identify your browsing behaviour across their advertising platforms.

It is not possible for RSW to identify you personally from this information.

Sometimes the adverts you see will be based on how you used our web site recently or in the past. RSW use this service called remarketing or retargeting to try and attract you back to our web site or show you new products or services.

The advertising platforms have guidance for you. Google’s advice can be found at Google’s Advertising Technology Advice or you can view the Network Advertising Initiative opt-out page.

Visitors to other web sites we use

Sometimes we advertise the machinery we have for sale on other web sites. Those companies might provide your details to us if you make an enquiry so we can perform the contract directly with you. Once we receive your data from them we treat it with the same care we treat data you gave us directly.

We also use social media. If you contact us via a social media web site we might use information you have volunteered from that site so we can continue the discussion via another medium.

Job applicants

If you are applying for a job we need to know who you are and what jobs you have done in the past. This may be using recruitment agencies or job listing web sites who supply your information to us. We need these to perform our contract with you.

Email security

We will monitor any emails sent to us, including file attachments, for viruses or malicious software. It is in RSW’s legitimate interest to do this.


We record CCTV images at our physical location. This CCTV is operated according to the UK Information Commissioner code of practice.

Legal basis for using your data

GDPR legislation defines the legal basis organisations are allowed to use to process personal data. RSW uses the following lawful bases, as outlined above:

  • Consent: Where you have given us clear consent for a specific purpose (i.e. you have opted in to our email marketing)
  • Contract: fulfilling an order or making arrangements before an order is placed
  • Legal obligation: complying with laws or statutory obligations
  • Legitimate interest: using data for the benefit of you or RSW, subject to demonstrating it is reasonable, for a specific purpose and has a minimal impact on privacy

Sharing your data

RSW does not and will not sell your personal data to any third party.

We do share your data with some companies in certain circumstances

  • Performance of our contract. We use hauliers for the delivery of machinery, sub-contractors to programme controllers and banks to handle payments etc. These companies are essential for concluding our business together.
  • Support for your business. As part of our contract we might tell other companies about you to support your business. For instance d you may need spares or consumables for a machine and need to know which companies can help you.
  • Support for RSW’s business. RSW uses a range of professional services to help run our business such as accountants, email marketing platforms or technical advice services.
  • Case studies & marketing. We are proud of the companies we work with and the success we have so like to tell the world. Occasionally we include a quotation or your name but we will check with you first.
  • Legal obligations. If we have to share your details with law enforcement, fraud prevention or tax authorities we are obliged to do so.
  • Change in ownership or status. We don’t have any plans to change hands but you never know what might happen in the future. In which case the trading history of the company will be important, including the data RSW holds.

Operating globally

Data held and collected by RSW is held within the European Economic Area (EEA) and not transferred outside the EEA. If information is volunteered to us from outside the EEA RSW handles it using the same policies as EEA data.

However, RSW trades globally. As such, data may be transferred outside of the EEA for the performance of a contract only. Most often this is data related to companies already outside the EEA.

Keeping your data

RSW holds your data for the minimum time period. These time periods are usually defined by legal or regulatory requirements or by removing data a set time after you have stopped carrying out business with us.

Your rights

You have several rights relating to your personal information:

  • The right to be informed about how we handle your personal data. We usually do this via our Privacy Policy on our web site.
  • The right of access to personal information
  • The right to rectification of inaccurate personal information we hold about you
  • The right to data portability if you want to take your data elsewhere
  • The right to erasure and the right to restrict processing and the right to object if you have any disagreements with the way RSW handles your data.

If you want to exercise your rights, have a complaint, or just have questions, please contact us.


RSW’s web site uses cookies. A cookie is a small text file stored on your computer by your browser at the request of a web site. Cookies are used to help a web site to work, or work better.
RSW uses the following cookies.




This temporary, session cookie is used to identify you as a user between page loads. It is necessary if you add items to your shopping basket or login to member-only areas. This cookie is destroyed each time you close your browser.


This cookie is necessary to confirm you have seen our notification that we use cookies on this web site.


This cookie is necessary to confirm you are a member logged onto your web site.


This web site uses Google Analytics to evaluate how users interact with it. This allows us to improve your user experience and the services we offer. You cannot be personally identified with this information. Read Google's overview of privacy and safeguarding data.


This web site uses several cookies to assist advertising platforms decide when (and when not) to show you adverts as you use Google search or other web sites. These help show you relevant adverts and tell us how effective our online advertising is.

You can choose to enable or disable Cookies in your internet browser. For further details, please consult the help menu in your internet browser.

You can choose to delete Cookies at any time however you may lose any information that enables you to access our web site more quickly and efficiently including, but not limited to, personalisation settings.

Changes to this Policy

RSW reserves the right to change this Policy as we may deem necessary from time to time or as may be required by law. Any changes will be immediately posted on the Website and you are deemed to have accepted the terms of the Policy on your first use of the Website following the alterations.

Version 4 30/04/2018