Machine Manufactures/OEMs
Riley Surface World is the world's leading reseller of second hand surface finishing plant and machinery. We are known as the online marketplace for surface finishing engineers, manufacturers, remanufacturers and sub-contractors worldwide.
We hold stock of hundreds of individual machinery, from complete electroplating plants to industrial ovens.
Are you an OEM? Join our successful working partnerships!
Understanding the strengths of each partner leads to strong and successful partnerships. There are many examples of OEMs and Riley Surface World working together for many years or individual projects to maximise end-user satisfaction and build revenue opportunities.
- Riley's buy and sell used machinery giving OEMs opportunities to build end-user brand awareness and relationships via commissioning, service and support.
- Sell ex-demo or used stock taken in part exchange from end-users (other OEM machinery included).
- Solve problems by clearing space in end-user factories to match your build lead times.
Learn more about OEMS working with Riley Surface World...
Our Featured OEM's/ Manufacturers
All OEM's/ Manufacturers
- 3M
- 3M Cuno Europe
- A G Metals
- A J Metal Products
- AAF International
- AB
- AB Dust Control Limited
- Abbott and Co. (Newark) Ltd
- Abrafin
- Abrasive Developments Ltd.
- Absolent
- Aceti
- ACS Angelantoni Industrie SpA
- Acton
- Adam Mandal
- Adaptatrack
- Advanced Furnace Technology Ltd
- Advanced Handling
- AEG Telefunken
- Aerogen
- Aerotherm Ltd
- Afos
- Air Plant Dust Extraction Ltd
- Air Receivers Ltd
- Air Technique Ltd
- Airbench
- Airblast Eurospray
- Airco Ltd
- Airedale
- Airflow Fabrications
- Airflow Group
- Airflow Systems Inc
- Airmaster
- Airmaster
- Airtec
- Airtech
- AJ Metals
- Ajax Machine Tools
- Ajax Tocco
- Alesco Fabrications Ltd
- Alfa laval
- Alju
- Alko Therm GmbH
- Alldays and Peacock Company Ltd.
- Allibert
- Allkal
- Allspeed Ltd
- Almco
- Almor Group
- Alphamation
- Alphasonics
- Alup Kompressors
- Amarc
- Ambiflow
- Ambilogos Equipmentos Industriais
- Ambirad
- Amsonic
- Anderson
- Andron
- Angelantoni
- Anopol
- Apex
- Applied Chemicals
- Applied Ionics
- Applied Thermal Control (ATC)
- Aqua Cooling
- Aquafine
- Aqueous Technologies Corp
- Arboles U.K.
- Arcos
- Ardesia
- Armac
- Ascott
- Asmega SPA
- Atlas Copco
- Aucos
- Autola
- Automated Packaging Systems
- Automation Solutions Limited
- Autopulit
- Avery Denison
- Axial
- B and T
- B O Morris
- Babcock Wanson
- Baird and Tatlock
- Balco Engineering Ltd
- Baldor
- Baltimore Aircoil Company
- Bambi
- Barberan
- Barlow Whitney
- Batchit Limited
- Bauer Kompressoren
- Baugh and Weedon Ltd
- Beaufort Conveyors
- Becker
- Beckox
- Beko Technologies
- Bellheimer Metallwerk GMBH
- Beltit
- Bemco Inc.
- Beringer
- Berridge Powder Coatings
- Beta Engineering Ltd
- Better Engineering
- Bilz
- Binder
- Binks Bullows
- Bio-Circle Surface Technology GmbH
- Bio-Clean
- Bioair
- Bipel
- Birkett Cutmaster
- Birlec
- Blasberg
- Blast-Wash
- Blastclean
- BLT Circuit Services
- Blue-M
- Bluebox
- BM
- Boe-Therm
- BOFA International Ltd
- Bohnke
- Bonetti
- Borg
- Bowers Electricals Ltd.
- Bradley
- Branson
- Brecknell
- Brendeck
- Brentford
- Bricesco
- British Electrical
- Bronx Engineering Co. Limited
- Brook Hansen
- Brookes
- Broom and Wade
- Broughton EAP Ltd
- Buckingham Industries
- Buffalo
- Buhler
- Bupi UK
- Burn Engineering
- Burntwood Engineering
- C and W Specialist Equipment
- C J Systems
- Caltherm
- Camfil Farr
- Camlab
- Camlaw
- Canning
- Carbolite
- Carborundum
- Caresonic
- Carl Kurt Walther
- Carlo Banfi
- Carrier
- Carter Environmental
- Casso-Solar Europe Ltd
- Castle Lifting
- CBI Equipment Ltd.
- CC Hydrosonics
- CDS Airtek
- Cemo
- Central Conveyors Ltd
- Central fans - Colasit Ltd
- Centrifugal Fan Ltd
- Centriplant
- Centrotherm
- Ceratex
- Cerco-Semip
- Certuss
- Cetema
- Cetetherm
- Chatburn Chantry
- Chem Resist
- Chemical Process Solutions Limited
- Churchill
- CI Logistics
- Ciclope
- Cincinnati
- Cirquip
- Clarkson
- Claude Lyons
- Clemco
- Climaveneta
- Climavent
- Clivet
- CM Modena
- Cofomegra
- Colasit
- Colchester
- Colchester Triumph
- Coltan
- Combat
- Compair
- Comtherm Ltd
- Conair
- Conect
- Contact
- Container Providers International
- ConThermo
- Contracor
- Contract Engineering and Trading SDN BHD
- Cool Technology
- Coolie
- Coolmation
- Cooperheat
- Core Chem Ltd
- Corode
- Corrosionbox
- Cortina
- Cosfi
- Credit
- Crest Ultrasonics
- Croft (Engineers) Ltd.
- Crowcon
- Cruickshank
- CSC Baglioni, Italy
- CSC Terruggia
- Cuccolini S.R.L.
- D and S Ultraclean (ICI)
- Daikin
- Danckaert
- Danobat
- Dantherm (Norican)
- Dawson
- Dayton
- Decker Anlagenbau GmbH
- Defuma
- Dek
- Delepena Ltd
- Dellmeco
- Delmet
- Delonghi
- DELTA Industrietechnik GmbH
- Delta Neu
- Design Environmental
- Despatch
- DeVilbiss
- Dimmerstat
- DJB Associates
- Doel Engineering Limited
- Dolfin
- Domnick Hunter
- Donaldson Torit (DCE)
- Doug Booth
- Dr Ing Goessling
- Drake Power Systems
- Draper
- Dreher
- Duscovent
- Dust Control Environmental
- Dust Control Systems Ltd
- Dust Extraction Int Ltd
- Dust Hog
- Dustcheck
- Dustraction
- Dynabrade
- Dynamiki
- Dynetics
- E J Arnold
- Eagle Engineering and Pioneer Prototype
- Ebara
- Ebara Corporation
- Ebra
- Ecoair
- Ecoclean
- Ecotechniek
- Edwards
- Efco
- Effepizeta
- EJ Electronics
- Elca
- Electro-Scot
- Electronic Power Services (EPS)
- Electropaint
- Electrotherm
- Elektror
- Elga
- Eliog Industrieofenbau GmbH
- Ellermatic Ltd
- Ellesco
- Ellis Brothers
- Elma
- Embur
- Enerpac
- Engineering Laboratory Equipment Ltd
- Engineering Services for Plating
- Enthone Ltd
- Enviromental Control Systems (ECS)
- Environmental Cleaning Technologies
- Equipment Support Company
- Erba
- Ercon Plant Systems
- ERG Lancy
- ERG Process Plant Ltd
- Esam
- ET Teknik
- Euro-Finish
- Eurospark
- Eurotec
- Eurotechnic UK Ltd
- Eurotherm
- Euroventilatori, Italy
- Eurowater
- Everest
- Excel Heat Ltd
- F and R Cooling Ltd
- F B Lehmann
- F.LLi.Bini snc
- Fabrican
- Fan Engineering (Midlands) Ltd.
- Fans And Blowers Ltd
- Fanuc Robotics
- Faster
- Fercell
- Fibergrate Walkways
- Filtermist
- Filtermist Climavent
- Filtex
- Filtration Service Engineering
- Finishing Design Services
- FinnSonic
- Fintec
- Firbimatic
- Fischerscope
- Fisher Scientific
- Fisons Scientific Apparatus
- Flame Spray Technologies
- Flameproof
- Fluidair
- Forbes
- Forma Scientific
- Formeco
- Fornax
- Forward Automation
- Foundry Projects Ltd
- Fours SPRL
- Frigel
- Frigosystem
- Frigothermic
- Frozen In Time Ltd
- FSP-Tech
- FST Drytec
- Fuji Manufacturing Co Ltd
- Fumetec
- Funditor
- Furnace Services Limited
- Furntech
- Gallenkamp (Sanyo Weiss)
- Galletti S.p.A
- Gallito
- Gardner Denver
- Gast MFG Corp
- GE (General Electric)
- Gee and Company
- Gema
- Gema Powder Coating Plant
- Genlab
- George Fischer
- George Koch
- Geotech
- Gesellschaft Warm Kalttechnik. (GWK)
- GG Services Birmingham
- Gibson
- Gilbey - Mefiag
- Glasner
- Goff
- Gough and Co
- Graco
- Graziano
- Greenco
- Greenmount
- Greenpennant
- Greif
- Grieve
- Griffin And George Ltd
- Grime Reaper Products Ltd
- Grindingmaster
- Grobi
- Grundfos
- Gryphon
- GTech Electroplating Systems
- Guissani
- Guttridge
- Guyson International
- Guyson Marr
- H Glassbeek
- H L Cooling
- Hacker
- Hadef
- Haier
- Hailey
- Halifax Fan Company
- Haltec
- Hankison International
- Hans Hoffman
- Harold Potter
- Harvard LTE
- Hasco Thermic
- Haviland Ltd
- Heat Treatment Services Ltd
- Heath
- Heaton Green
- Hedin
- Hedinair
- Hendor
- Hendrick Industrial Equipment Ltd
- Hengli
- Henri Petit-Jean
- Heraeus
- Herco Wassertechnik
- Hewlett Packard
- HG Sommerfield Ltd.
- Hi-Line Industries
- Higgs
- High Spec Machinery
- Hilsonic
- Himmel
- Hiross
- Hitema
- HITvalve
- HM
- Hockley Chemical Co
- Hodge Clemco
- Hogg Abraclean
- Horgren
- Horizon
- Hoval
- Huber and Ranner
- Huffman
- Hughes
- Hunziker
- HydraPower Dynamics
- Hydroflow
- Hydrovane
- Hygrade Industrial Plastics
- Hymo
- Induction Heating Systems Limited
- Industrial And Marine Air Center
- Industrial Cooling Systems (ICS)
- Industrial Fans (Redditch) Ltd
- Industrial Vibrators
- Industrie Ofen
- Indusvent
- Infrasystems Industrial Ovens
- Ingersoll Rand
- Innolas
- Integrated Effluent Solutions Ltd
- Intelligente Poliersysteme
- International Plating Systems
- Interwood
- Invicta Vibrators (Grantham Engineering)
- IPS Intelligente Poliersysteme
- Ipsen
- ISPC Surface Preparation Ltd
- Isses - Tech
- ITW Gema
- IWM (Industrial Washing Machines Ltd)
- J K Filters
- J Reid
- Jacquet Weston Engineering
- JB Thorn
- Jemco
- Jenco
- Jensen
- JIM Engineering Ltd.
- JKF Industries
- JLS (Redditch) Ltd
- John Shaw
- Johnson Progress
- Jones And Shipman
- Jouan
- Kaiser Egurko
- Kalte Klima
- KEB Antriebstechnik GmbH
- Keepleader Technology
- Keller
- Kelvin s.r.l.
- Kelviplast
- Kemet
- Kemper
- Kendro
- Keppel
- Kerry ( Guyson International )
- Kewa
- Kilns and Furnaces
- Kitagawa Europe Ltd
- KK Bailers
- Kocken
- Konwektor Sp
- Kraft
- Kromh
- KSB Etachrome
- KTK Klimatechnik
- Kuka
- Laborex
- Labotek
- Lakestyle
- Lamarflo
- Lancer
- Lando Mario
- Lanemark Combustion Engineering Ltd
- Langford Electronics (UK) Ltd
- Lapmaster International Ltd
- Larmuth and Bulmer
- Latham
- Layton
- Leader Engineering
- Lee Laser
- Leering Hengelo
- Lenco
- Lenton Furnaces
- Lenze
- Leroy Somner
- Lewis Corporation
- Leybold GmbH
- Liebert
- Liebisch
- Lightnin
- Lindberg
- Linde Material Handling
- Lindus
- Linibher
- Link
- Linn High Therm GmbH
- Linpac Allibert
- Lissmac
- Lister GmbH
- Loadmatic
- Loeser
- Loser
- Losma Darwin
- Lowara
- LTA (Lufttechnik GmbH)
- Lucas Technical Services Ltd
- Lunaire Tenney
- Lytzen
- M and T Chemicals
- M J Services
- M3
- Mac'Ants Group
- Macants
- MacDermid
- Macfuge
- Mach Aire
- Made In Germany
- Mafac
- MAG Huller Hille
- Magido
- Magnaflux
- Malthouse Engineering Limited
- Man Gill Chemicals
- Manlove Alliot and Co Engineering
- Mann Hummel
- Mannesmann Demag
- Mannings Thermal and Environmental Engineers
- Mansaw
- Mapel
- Mardon Engineering Ltd
- Mark
- Marley Davenport (Worcester) Ltd
- Marpol
- Marr
- Master Fluid Solutions
- Mattei
- Matthias Wacker
- Mattis
- Maximo
- Maywick
- MBA Media Blast and Abrasives
- McLuckie
- Mechatherm
- MecWash
- Medisafe
- Medisson
- Mefiag
- MEL (Dust and Fume Extractors) Ltd
- Meltech
- Memmert
- Merlin
- Mestra
- Metal Finishing Services
- Metalas
- Metallisation
- Metritherm
- Mettler Toledo
- Micropulse Plating Concept (MPC)
- Midwestern Industries
- Mil-Tek
- Mindon
- Mining and Chem Products
- Mitre
- MJ Amaral
- ML Furnaces
- MMM Group
- Modus
- Monmouth Scientific
- Montford
- Morris
- Morrisflex
- Mortek
- MPM Instruments
- Multi Air UK
- Munk
- Munters
- Myron
- Nabertherm
- Napco
- Nederman
- Neslab
- Netzsch
- New Holland
- Newgate
- Newport
- Newsmith Stainless Ltd.
- Nilfisk
- Nordson
- Northern Kilns
- Nova Frigo
- NOx
- Nu0air
- Nuair
- Nydals
- Oakcliffe Rotajet
- Odlings MCR
- Oerlikon Metco
- Oertling
- Omega
- OMSG Group
- Optimal
- Oscott Air
- Osprey Deep Clean
- Osro
- Otto Dilg
- Owen
- Owens
- Oxford Applied Research
- P&P Products
- Pago
- Paint and Powder
- Palamatic
- Paldisk
- Pall
- Pangborn
- Parker Hiross
- Parts Wash
- Payne
- Pecci
- Pelloby Premier Cranes
- Penglai Industrial Corporation Limited
- Pengrave Engineering Ltd
- Pentair Water
- Perkins Elmer
- Permutit
- Pero
- Perry and Clark Plastics Ltd
- PF And F UK Ltd
- Pickstone
- Piezu Ceram Electronique
- Pioneer
- Piovan
- Plasbrun Plastics Engineering Ltd
- Plastic Construction Ltd
- Plastic Fan Co. Limited
- Plasticraft
- Plating Engineering Ltd
- Playfoot Engineering Ltd
- Plusair
- Plymovent
- PM Plant
- Podmore
- Pollution Control Products
- Poly Products Inc
- PolyPlas Engineering Ltd
- Polytec
- Pomecam
- Portable Welders Ltd (PW)
- Pottery Crafts Ltd
- Powerblast
- PRC Corporation
- Priorclave
- Proceco
- Process and Control Engineering Ltd.
- Process Plant and Equipment
- Product Finishing Plant
- Proline Engineering
- ProMinent DosierTechnik
- Protech Finishing Systems
- Pura
- Puretech
- Purex
- Purolite
- Quick-blast
- Quirepace Ltd
- R F Winder
- R Royce
- Radyne
- Ramco
- Ramsell Naber
- Ransohoff
- RDM Engineering
- Red Devil Equipment Co
- Redashe Ltd.
- Rednal Pneumatics GB
- Reichmann
- Rema
- Remak Strahlanlage
- Remal Thorid
- Remec Engineering
- Renfert
- Reni Cirillo
- Retsch GmbH
- Reverse Pulse Dust Collector
- RHF Fans Ltd
- Riley
- Riley Thermal World
- Ringler
- Ringway
- RM Catterson-Smith
- Robins Scientific
- Robopac
- Rodway And Taylor
- Rodwell
- Rollair
- Rollwasch
- Romer
- Rosler
- Rotaclean
- RotaJet
- Rotofinish
- Rotopak AB
- Rousselet
- Royce
- Rozone Limited
- RS Treatments
- Ruer
- Ruwac Industriesauger
- Ryeford Engineering
- S G Nitriding Furnaces
- S.M. Systems
- Safechem Europe GMBH
- Safety kleen
- Salter
- Salvis
- Sandpiper
- Sangre Group
- Santa Clara Plastics
- Savage
- Savinobarbera
- Saxon
- Scanlaf
- Scheidt Ventilatoren GmbH
- Schering
- Schlick (Wheelabrator)
- Schmidt Mfg Inc Axxiom
- Sealey Products
- Seba Developments
- Secomak
- Seeco
- Semco
- Serfilco
- Sermatech
- Sessler
- Sethco
- SEW Eurodrive
- SFL (Severn Furnaces Ltd)
- Shaker Cleaning Dust Extractor
- Sharetree
- Sharmic
- Shelley Furnaces Ltd
- Shenli Electrical Technology co. Ltd
- Shotblast Engineering Services Ltd
- Sibilia
- Siebec
- Siemans
- Sillem
- Simac Instrumentation Ltd.
- Simatic
- Sinjet
- Sintobrator
- Sir James Farmer Norton
- Sisson Lehmann
- SJS Engineering Ltd.
- SKA Fabrications
- Skako
- Skancoimport
- SKOT Transformers
- Slee of London
- Smog Hog
- Soco
- Sonica
- Spectroquant
- Spectrum
- Spencer Halstead
- Spenstead
- Sprayclene
- SPX Blue M
- Stadco Cooling
- Stahli
- Stamford
- Stankimport
- Startrite
- Static Control Components Ltd.
- Statim
- Steimel
- Stein Atkinson Stordy (SAS)
- Still
- STL Spraybooth Technology
- Stork Cooperheat
- Strapex
- SUEZ Water Purification Systems
- Suhner
- Sulzer
- Sunnen
- Surface Combustion
- Surface Dynamics
- Surface Finishing Equipment Ltd.
- Surtech
- Sweco
- Syspal Limited
- Systek
- T Masters and Sons
- Tama
- Tamace
- TAS (Temperature Applied Sciences)
- Tauss
- Techne
- Technowash
- Tecnofinish
- Teijo
- Teka
- Tekfin
- Teknox Srl
- Temperature Applied Sciences (TAS)
- Tempest and Dibb
- Termotek
- Tesa
- Tex Abrasives
- Thermal Industries
- Thermal Transfer Technology Ltd.
- Thermo Fisher
- Thermobloc
- Thermon Heating Systems
- Thermotron
- Thompson Cochran
- Thorne
- Tilghman (Wheelabrator)
- Timesavers
- Todd Engineering
- Tonejet
- Tongbao
- Tool-Temp
- Torvac
- Tosa Group
- Tosca Granigliatrici
- Tosh Lavapezzi
- Total Process Cooling (TPC)
- Townson and Mercer
- Trane
- Transtherm Cooling Industries Limited
- Trelleborg
- Tricool
- Trion
- Tripp Lite
- Trus
- Tullio Giusi
- Turbex
- Turbo S.R.L
- Tutco
- Tyco
- Tycon
- Tyler
- UK Powder Coating
- Ultraform Ltd
- Ultraseal
- Ultratroc
- Ultrawave Ltd
- Uniphase
- Unitemp
- USF (Wheelabrator)
- Utile
- Vacublast (Wheelabrator)
- Vaginio Mastry
- VAN Groenweghe
- Vanco
- Vanton
- Vapormatt
- Varian
- Vecstar Furnaces
- Veolia Water Technologies
- Vestil
- Vibrochimica
- Viceroy
- Vickers PC
- Vindon Scientific
- Virotec
- Vixen Surface Treatments
- VJL Technologies (PTY) LTD
- Vokes
- Volkes
- Vulcan
- W and U
- W Canning
- W.M.V.
- W.S. Tyler
- Wagner
- Walther Trowal
- Warstaff
- Watermiser
- Watkins
- Watkins Johnson
- Watlow
- Wean And Vaughn
- Weber
- Webster And Bennett
- Weku Technik AG
- Welded Air Receivers Ltd
- Wellman
- Wessex Furnaces
- Westech
- Westinghouse
- Wheelabrator
- Wild Barfield
- Wilden
- William Boulton
- Winkworth
- Woods Group
- Worthington Creyssensac
- Worthington Simpson
- Wrekin Water
- Wurster
- Wychwood Water Systems Ltd
- Yabez Ltd
- Yale
- Yang
- Yanghzou Super Machine Tools
- Yokogawa Electric Corporation
- York
- Zubler
Machines & equipment for sale
- Surface Treatment
- Cleaning & Degreasing
- Polishing & Belt Linishing
- Mass Finishing
- Ovens & Furnaces
- Process Cooling
- Shot Blasting
- Dust & Fume Extraction
- Air Compressors
- Rectifiers & Transformers
- Miscellaneous
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