Supporting Dust Extraction OEM, Filtex, to Secure a New Customer

At Riley Surface World, we pride ourselves on being a trusted supplier of quality machinery. To provide the best possible service, we frequently collaborate with industry specialists. These partnerships enable us to go beyond machinery sales by offering expert installation, maintenance, and servicing solutions—ensuring ongoing support long after purchase.
Over the years, we’ve partnered with numerous specialists, supporting some of our most in-demand machinery such as dust extractors. Their knowledge and experience contributing to extraction systems tailored for our customers to achieve optimum dust control. One recent example was our collaboration with Filtex to upgrade one of their own dust extractors in our stock.
Filtex Dust Extractors: A Trusted Reputation
Renowned for its universal range of dust extraction units, Filtex is valued for their simple and efficient extractors. The original Filtex closed several years ago but key members of the team continue the brand today as a new company. Their original range of dust extractors remain a go-to solution for manufacturers worldwide. Today, Filtex continues the legacy of the original brand, supporting owners of existing units as well as supplying new designs based on bestselling models.
Filtex are particularly well known for their ‘baghouse’ extractors using filter bags rather than the more common cartridge extractor. Bag filters are a durable and cost effective alternative preferred by many manufacturers with a great life span on consumables.
Supporting OEMs and Their Customers
The extractor that led to our most recent partnership with Filtex was a Filtex extractor that had been left on-site at a recently closed factory. The landlord of the property was recommended Riley Surface World’s machine buying service, and agreed a cash deal with free collection, providing the seller with an upfront financial return.
Soon after, Filtex approached us with their own customer looking for a dust extractor that could be modified to specific requirements and the newly acquired extractor was just what was needed.
Rileys Surface World’s team of in-house engineers supported the OEM, Filtex, to modify and upgrade the extractor and it was shipped to the Filtex’s customer for installation.
Dust Extractor Modifications
Designed to upgrade the dust extractor to process high risk dusts, the upgrades carried out by Riley and Filtex engineers included:
- Antistatic Filters – For fine dusts prone to building up static electricity during the filtering process, antistatic filters are used to dissipate the charge as a preventive measure to reduce dust explosions within the system.
- Explosion Relief Panel – A structural upgrade to make the extractor withstand the risks of explosive dust, explosion relief panels take the impact of ignited dust, preventing & containing it from damaging the structure of the extractor.
- Weatherproof Exterior Coating – As not all dust extractors are protected to remain outdoors so re-painting the unit with a weatherproof coating is a simple solution to protecting it from weather erosion.
With these enhancements complete, all that was left was for our transport company to deliver the extractor and hand over to Filtex to install and provide ongoing maintenance.
Save Costs for Specialised Machinery
This opportunity that came about due to the cost effective prices of our used range of quality machinery. By opening the door to more affordable machinery without compromising quality, it allows our customers to spare funds to upgrade the machines to their requirements. Resulting in machinery tailored to their specific needs at a fraction of the cost of new.
If you are looking for surface finishing machinery designed for a specific process or have your own customer in the market for specialised machinery on a budget, get in touch to see what we could offer you by contacting us at 01922 45 8000 or [email protected]
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