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Why You Need the Right Dust Extractors for Silica Dust

Why You Need the Right Dust Extractors for Silica Dust

Silica dust is a natural substance that is a by-product of working with raw materials such as stone, sand and clay. Silica dust is the substance that causes silicosis, specifically caused by the inhalation of respirable crystalline silica (RCS).

A risk and occurrence are still relevant to the quarry and construction industries today, extraction systems are a priority for companies who handle these materials for the safety of their workers in the future.

What Effect Can Silica Dust Have on Your Health?

RCS is a fine dust that can deteriorate a person’s lungs over time. Breathing the dust in can result in the hardening & scarring of the lung tissue, weakening the lungs to be vulnerable to ongoing breathing issues.

Like with pneumoconiosis diseases these health deteriorations are not apparent initially, taking at least 10 years to develop; many will not realise the development before it’s too late. The symptoms typically show themselves 10+ years after the exposure, but any lung damage before that stage can still be seen on an x-ray.

Exposure to silica dust can result in the following:

  • Frequent chest infections,
  • Severe breathlessness,
  • Ongoing coughing,
  • Chronic disability,
  • Increase risk of lung cancer.

Which Industries Generate Silica Dusts?

For any industry that handles stone, sand and clay, there is an exposure risk to silica. This silica can be found in the following industries:

  • Construction & Demolition,
  • Quarrying,
  • Slate Mining,
  • Pottery & ceramics,
  • Foundries,
  • Concrete manufacturing,
  • Masonry architecture,
  • Abrasive blasting.

Any grinding, cutting, sanding, blasting, polishing and fettling these natural materials risks exposure to the workers.

Which Materials Generate Silica Dusts?

Considering the variety of stone and clay used across industries, it is always worth being aware of which materials produce the most concentrated volumes of silica dust compared to those on the lower end of the scale.

Types of Stone

Percentage of Silica

Sandstone, Gritstone, Quartzite       

Above 70%

Concrete & Mortar

25% - 70%


40% - 60%

China Stone

Up to 50%


20% - 40%


Up to 30%


20% - 45% (typically 30%)


Up to 15%

Basalt & Dolerite

Up to 5%

Limestone & Chalk

Up to 5% (typically 2%)


Up to 5% (but does contain high concentration layers of crystalline silica)


This highlights the importance of extraction systems in industries that handle substances like sandstone and concrete, but it is still crucial for materials with low levels of silica.

Don’t Forget: Although some dusts from these raw materials would be a lower risk for silicosis, any dust is a potential health and safety risk. Dust can affect the health of individuals in different ways, plus the potential risk of being combustible.

Having a capable dust extraction that removes all these risks should be your goal.

What Level of Dust Extraction Is Required?

When applying the protective measures needed to ensure minimal risk to your workers, the factors to consider when purchasing your extraction unit/system are:

  • Dust Source - Does the process that produces dust occur in an enclosed or open area?
  • Capacity - Does the extractor have a large enough filter area required to handle the volume of dust?
  • Type of Dust – Do you need an extractor capable of handling dust at risk of self-igniting?
  • Maintenance – Would a self-cleaning extractor with an automatic shaker cycle be more suitable for you?

As a continuation of looking into HSE’s work-related lung disease awareness campaign to highlight the importance of dust extraction systems, silica dust is still relevant in the industry. Unlike other pneumoconiosis diseases where the inhaled substance of cause is no longer used (like asbestos), silica dust is still frequently produced, so still at risk of resulting in more cases of silicosis in the future.

With the proper awareness, the correct extraction systems can be installed, and we can supply them to you.

Our dust extraction range includes new & used dust extractors of various sizes and capacities; check out our full range today.

Fume Control Plant and Equipment
More Images Available

Process Plant and Equipment Fume Control plant & equipment

Fume Control plant & equipment extracts fumes via lip hoods at tank flange level, into a plenum chamber and onwards through riser ducts into a header manifold running at high level at the rear of the plant.

Stock No
Fume Extraction Fans & Scrubbers
Process Plant and Equipment
Year of Manufacture
Other Info
Capacity 9.23 m3/sec (19,557 cfm)
From a working environment, Good Condition
Bude, Cornwall, UK
Pura 2000 Clean Air Work Station More Images Available

Pura 2000 Clean Air Work Station

Pura's 2000 line of Horizontal Laminar Flow Clean Air Work Stations are engineered to enhance the performance of the cabinet and the overall airflow efficiency of the cleanroom.

Stock No
Dry Dust Filters
Pura Pura 2000
Approx Duty CFM / M³/Hr
Filter Area ft² / m²
1170 x 600 x 570 work area
Other Info
Especially Designed for clean room use
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Filtex FX294 Dust Extractor Video Available

Filtex FX294 Configured For Oil Mist plus Air Streams with Debris

This second hand FX 294 H 5.5 kW extraction unit is currently set up for oil mist extraction and comes without a shaker motor.

Stock No
Wet Dust Filters
Filtex FX294 VH
Year of Manufacture
Approx Duty CFM / M³/Hr
2000 // 3500 ( see chart )
Filter Area ft² / m²
294 // 27.30m2
Other Info
Set up for Oil Mist + Debris Extraction
Good Condition, Seen powered at RSW
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Vokes ScandMist MA100D Oil Mist Air Filter Unit More Images Available

Vokes ScandMist Oil Mist Air Filter Unit

A heavy duty industrial air cleaner for effectively separating oil mists, oil fumes and emulsion mists during continuous operations. There are three filter stages with differential pressure gauges at each step.

Stock No
Fume Extraction Fans & Scrubbers
Vokes ScandMist MA100D
Year of Manufacture
Approx Duty CFM / M³/Hr
590 CFM // 1000m3/Hr
Other Info
1.1kW motor : Pressure 2100Pa inlet 200Ø
From a working environment, Current Model
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Nederman Filtac OMF 2000M Oil Mist Air Filter Unit More Images Available

Nederman Filtac OMF 2000M Oil Mist Air Filter Unit

A heavy duty industrial air cleaner for effectively separating oil mists, oil fumes and emulsion mists during continuous operations. There are three filter stages with differential pressure gauges at each step. The first filter is washable, which reduces the operating costs (Dependant on the filter).

Stock No
Fume Extraction Fans & Scrubbers
Nederman OMF 2000M
Year of Manufacture
Approx Duty CFM / M³/Hr
1175 // 2000M3/Hr
Filter Area ft² / m²
3 Stage Filters
Other Info
2.2kW / 3Hp Fan Motor
From a working environment, Excellent Condition
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Vokes-Air ScandDust SDM60 Dry Dust and Smoke Air Filter Unit More Images Available

Vokes - Air ScandDust Dry Dust and Smoke Air Filter Unit SDM60

A dust collector that is designed to separate dry dust, powder and smoke in different industrial applications. Comes with a built in reverse pulse jet filter cleaning system, integral fan and dust collection bucket. Hepa after filters are connected to the clean air exit ducting.

Stock No
Dry Dust Filters
Vokes SDM 60
Year of Manufacture
Approx Duty CFM / M³/Hr
2354 // 4000M3/hr
Filter Area ft² / m²
650 // 60M2
Other Info
4 Cartridge Filters / inlet 295mmØ
From a working environment, Good Condition
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Filtac OMF 1000M Oil Mist Air Filter Unit More Images Available

Nederman Filtac OMF 1000M Oil Mist Air Filter Unit

A heavy duty industrial air cleaner for effectively separating oil mists, oil fumes and emulsion mists during continuous operations. There are three filter stages with differential pressure gauges at each step. The first filter is washable, which reduces operating costs (Dependant on filter).

Stock No
Fume Extraction Fans & Scrubbers
Nederman Filtac OMF 1000M
Year of Manufacture
Approx Duty CFM / M³/Hr
Filter Area ft² / m²
2 stage filters
Other Info
1.1kW / 1.5Hp Fan Motor
From a working environment, Good Condition, Current Model
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Vokes-Air ScandDust SMD90 Dry Dust and Smoke Air Filter Unit More Images Available

Vokes - Air ScandDust Dry Dust and Smoke Air Filter Unit SMD90

A dust collector that is designed to separate dry dust, powder and smoke in different industrial applications. Comes with a built in reverse pulse jet filter cleaning system, integral fan and dust collection bucket. Hepa after filters are connected to the clean air exit ducting.

Stock No
Dry Dust Filters
Vokes SDM90
Year of Manufacture
Approx Duty CFM / M³/Hr
Filter Area ft² / m²
970 // 90M2
Other Info
6 Cartridge Filters //inlet 295 Ø
From a working environment, Excellent Condition, Current Model
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ScandMist D Series Oil Mist Air Filter Unit More Images Available

Mann Hummel ScandMist D Series Oil Mist Air Filter Unit

ScandMist units manage the oil mist emissions from production facilities such as CNC machine shops and are particularly popular in high-volume manufacturing environments. These modular high capacity systems are designed to operate as a single unit or can be linked together to increase the capacity with a common inlet and outlet.

Stock No
Fume Extraction Fans & Scrubbers
Mann Hummel ScandMist 350D OMF
Approx Duty CFM / M³/Hr
3570 // 6000M3/Hr
Other Info
2 coalescing stages : 11kW
From a working environment, Good Condition
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ScandMist D Series Oil Mist Air Filter Unit More Images Available

Mann Hummel ScandMist D Series Oil Mist Air Filter Unit

ScandMist units manage the oil mist emissions from production facilities such as CNC machine shops and are particularly popular in high-volume manufacturing environments. These modular high capacity systems are designed to operate as a single unit or can be linked together to increase the capacity with a common inlet and outlet.

Stock No
Fume Extraction Fans & Scrubbers
Mann Hummel ScandMist 350D OMF
Approx Duty CFM / M³/Hr
3570 // 6000M3/Hr
Other Info
2 coalescing stages : 11kW
From a working environment, Good Condition
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Vokes MA400D Oil Mist Air Filter Unit More Images Available

Vokes Oil Mist Air Filter Unit

A heavy duty industrial air cleaner for effectively separating oil mists, oil fumes and emulsion mists during continuous operations. There are three filter stages with differential pressure gauges at each step. The first filter is washable, which reduces operating costs.

Stock No
Fume Extraction Fans & Scrubbers
Vokes Scand-mist MA400D
Year of Manufacture
Approx Duty CFM / M³/Hr
Other Info
Inlet Ø300mm : 7.5 Kw
From a working environment, Excellent Condition, Current Model
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DFRPC 3-12 Down Flow Reverse Pulse Cleaning Dust Extractor More Images Available

Riley DFRPC 3-12 Down Flow Reverse Pulse Cleaning Dust Extractor

An Ex demo and refurbished with new filters, this Down Flow Reverse Pulse Cleaning (DFRPC) Dust Extractors is from Riley Surface World.
Built in the United Kingdom these extractors incorporate features that we believe will rival any of the current extractors available on the market today and at a very competitive price.

Stock No
Dry Dust Filters
Riley DFRPC 3-12 80/20 Fr media
Year of Manufacture
Approx Duty CFM / M³/Hr
4,944 // 8,400
Filter Area ft² / m²
1200 ft2 // 113M2
Other Info
British Made 12 New Cartridges Fitted
Refurbished by RSW, Excellent Condition, Ex demonstration, Current Model
Available for immediate collection
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Dust Extraction Int Ltd - Model 25M - 4kW 5 Hp Dust Extractor More Images Available

Dust Extraction Int Ltd Model 25M - 4kW 5.5 Hp Dust Extractor

This second hand 25M is compact versatile and robust self-contained auto-shake clean filter using 12 internal bags and roof mounted multi vee-pocket after filters.

Stock No
Dry Dust Filters
Dust Extraction Int Ltd 25M
Year of Manufacture
08 2003
Approx Duty CFM / M³/Hr
1500 - 2500
Filter Area ft² / m²
250 - 25
Other Info
Filter shaker bag extractor
From a working environment, Excellent Condition
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Zubler V7000 Dust Collector More Images Available

Zubler V7000 Dust Collector

Zubler single suction units are highly versatile, used for a wide range of low dust and fume applications, and ideal for use in dental laboratories.

Stock No
Dry Dust Filters
Zubler V7000
Year of Manufacture
Approx Duty CFM / M³/Hr
53-80 // 90-135 @ 34 in wg // 85mbar
Filter Area ft² / m²
43 + 75 // .4 + .7
Other Info
Suction of 20-40 L/S
Excellent Condition, Unused, Current Model
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Zubler V7000 Dust Collector More Images Available

Zubler V7000 Dust Collector

Zubler single suction units are highly versatile, used for a wide range of low dust and fume applications, and ideal for use in dental laboratories.

Stock No
Dry Dust Filters
Zubler V7000
Approx Duty CFM / M³/Hr
53-80 // 90-135 @ 34 in wg // 85mbar
Filter Area ft² / m²
43 + 75 // .4 + .7
Other Info
Suction of 20-40 L/S
Excellent Condition, Unused, Current Model, Seen powered at RSW
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