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How can you Surface Finish 3D Components?

3D Component Surface Finishing

When people think of 3D printing, what often comes to mind is the stage when the components are being printed and not too much about the pre or post-production. Without the pre-production, the hardware would have no files to print and the post-production is all about finishing the components.

Post-production prepares the components functionally & aesthetically. This could just start with removing the support structures from when the object was being printed to smoothing the surface texture in preparation for coating. There are many options to choose from but the main reason for post-production is to add or enhance the properties of the components.

There are surface finishing methods more suitable for certain types of components. As additive manufacturing can use plastic, metal, ceramic and synthetic materials, one method that’s perfect for one component won’t suit another. When deciding on the method of finishing, a finisher must consider the:

  • Material
  • Shape
  • Thickness
  • Weight
  • Functionally
  • Environment


Exactly like in woodwork, sanding in additive manufacturing is the same concept of using a rough material to sand a surface smooth. As the most popular method of 3D post-preparation, sanding is one of the solutions that resolves the textural disadvantage of many additive manufacturing methods; the layers.

Except for the high precision methods, the technique of printing in layers, which is the foundation of 3D printing, also frequently results in the surface having a lined texture. As the ‘raw’ texture can be difficult to work with and is seen as unfinished, smoothing it out by sanding is relatively simple and inexpensive.

This method can be a bit time consuming and impractical for models with hard to reach areas but considering the popularity of 3D printing for prototypes, this isn’t a problem. As prototypes are usually made up of individual batches the extra effort of this method doesn’t hinder the final finish.

The machinery you may see for the method is sanding belts. They provide the friction for the coarse material to smoothen the surface, working best for parts with many flat surfaces and no inverted angles.


Shot blasting, bead blasting or sand blasting are alternate forms of the same fundamental process and is the other go-to method for smoothing the surface of components. As the second most popular post-preparation method, it has the advantage of being able to smoothen the parts sanding can’t.

Focusing on shooting a small abrasive media through a spray gun, the flexibility of the gun can reach the tricky, hard the get areas. While removing the excess material with little risk of damaging the profile of the model underneath.

The only risk of this method is aiming the spray gun for too long on an area as it could break through the external surface. Although with the tried and tested technique of starting the beading blasting at low pressure and gradually increasing, this has been a success for both manual and automatic shot blasters.

Shot peening is the same technique as bead blasting but the aim is for a different result. Rather than smoothing the surface, it hardens the surface but only for malleable materials like metal. The impact of larger media causes multiple indentations in the surface, compressing the material to become hardened.

Find out more about shot peening at ‘What is Shot Peening?


Following the route of processing with media to surface finish, vibratory machines do what the name implies, vibrating the components with media. Taking place in a tub/bowl shaped container, a mix of media, components and chemical is shaken, rubbing the media and parts together.

The aim of this method is to polish the components for a soft sheen but the media needs to be softer than the component material to achieve it. Due to this core aspect of vibratory technique, the components that are most frequently used are metal.

Tumbling is very similar but in the process takes place in a rotating barrel for a more controlled movement.

Vibratory and tumbling are both practical for finishing large batches of components but for a successful finish to all the surfaces the right amount and range of media is needed. If not enough or imbalanced, the parts would look unfinished. Furthermore, the method is most suitable for components that are rounded with no sharp edges and details. The random impact pattern of the media would likely damage the finer forms and shapes.

Vapour Smoothing

Using the chemical strength of solvents, vapour smoothing is a very quick method that can take seconds but as it uses solvents, it has its limitations.

Taking place inside a chamber with boiling solvent, the components are placed inside for just a few seconds.  With the temperature of the vapour from the solvent hot enough the melt the surface, the components are then swiftly cooled in a cooling chamber the pause any further melting.

As the vapour can reach all the exposed surfaces, all the pores of the surface become sealed. This is fantastic for components that will be used for containing gases and liquids.

Unfortunately, these new properties are not attainable for all materials such as polycarbonate as the combination of the material with the solvents could potentially cause a harmful reaction. But for a large range of plastics (as long as the components can fit in the tank) vapour smoothing achieves a desired shiny finish benefiting a range of industries.

Heat Treatment

Heat treatment is a method that thoroughly treats the parts by simply heating them. Just by raising the temperature of the parts, this can:

  • Strengthen the components
  • Reduce tensile pressure
  • Remove stresses to prevent failures

For the components to yet have a finalised form, the heat can encourage the final form to take shape, usually finished with a cooling stage like vapour smoothing to stabilise it.

There are more specified heat treatments such as Hot Isostatic Pressing (HIP) which can achieve a 100% density to get the maximum strength out of the components. Taking place in a vacuum furnace for optimum results.

Metal Plating

As the final technique we will be looking into in this article, metal plating is seen as a sophisticated option for surface finishing in additive manufacturing. Plating can be applied to plastic or metal components, and provides the parts with precise qualities depending on the metal used for plating.

The metal layer is applied by an electric current (electroplating) or chemical solution process, with either method flexible for plating any metal. When metal plating plastic components, the most common metal used for plating is copper. Applying a layer of copper to plastic components is a cheaper alternative to a solid copper component as well as lighter. The copper can act as a base for other bright finishes

Other properties that can be gained from metal plating include:

  • Strength and durability
  • Resistance against corrosion & oxidation
  • Heat transfer
  • Polished metal finish

The equipment for this process is made up of plating lines of multiple stages that can apply and set potentially multiple layers of various metals in one cycle.


Overall there are a number of surface finishing methods available for additive manufacturing able to achieve an endless variety of finishes. As finishers can frequently use multiple techniques on one part, the raw components can truly be transformed from the finishing alone for their final purpose.

If it’s the surface finishing equipment you’re looking for, you can contact our sales team at +44(0)1922 45 8000 for further information on our available range of new and used machines.

To read our full series of articles about 3D printing & additive manufacturing, check out the links below.

Magnetic Separator / Conveyor More Images Available

Walther Trowal Magnetic Conveyor / Seperator

If your work pieces and abrasive media are roughly similar in size, then the external magnetic separation units from Trowal could be the ideal solution for precisely separating parts. This saves both time and money over manually screening your parts and media once it has left the system.

Stock No
Vibratory Deburring & Polishing Machines
Walther Trowal Electro - Magnetic separator MS225 BL3400
Year of Manufacture
Track 200mm wide
Electro-magnetic mag and de-mag
Other Info
Height adjustable between 1300 and 1500m
Seen working by RSW, Good Condition
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Almco Supersheen Horizontal DB200 Barreling Machine Video Available

Almco Supersheen Horizontal DB200 Barreling Machine

The Almco/Supersheen single barrel tumbling unit offers deburring, radius producing, polishing, and burnishing capabilities for all types of precision or non-precision metal surfaces.

Stock No
Barreling & Rumbling Machinery
Almco DB200
790AF x 1000 hex (13.8 cu.ft / 390Ltrs)
Rotary Deburring and polishing machine
Other Info
Separate Door & Product Load/unload cart
From a working environment, Seen working by RSW, Good Condition
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Walther Trowal Vibro Installation cw Tipper Loader, 600L vibro bowl, magnetic separator & dryer More Images Available

Walther Trowal Complete Mass Finishing Vibratory Start to Finish Processing Cell

A Walther Trowal, four stage finishing process comprising of a loading tipper, vibratory finishing bowl, magnetic transfer conveyor and rotating continuous parts dryer.

Stock No
Vibratory Deburring & Polishing Machines
Walther Trowal CD600 PN + Load Unload and Dry
Year of Manufacture
Continuous Automatic
Other Info
Load, Wet Process, Separate, Through Dry
Rolls Royce Stores Unit 6
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Walther Trowal Vibro Installation cw Tipper Loader, CA 650 vibro bowl, & dryer More Images Available

Walther Trowal CA650 Vibratory Bowl

A Walther Trowal, three stage mass finishing cell / process comprising of a loading tipper, large vibratory helical finishing bowl and rotating continuous 3000Kg's/ Hr continuous parts rotary dryer. Electrical control panel included

Stock No
Vibratory Deburring & Polishing Machines
Walther Trowal CA650
Year of Manufacture
Vibratory Bowl
Other Info
High Capacity Continuous Finishing Cell
From a working environment
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Walther Trowal Rumbler
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Walther Trowal Vibratory Trough with Acoustic Booth, Conveyor, Separator, Walkways, Control and Compound Dosing

A Walther Trowal manufactured VN 1200 rumbler, housed inside an acoustic booth. A Danfoss frequency convertor allows vibration speed control, this package comes with a belt conveyor and dosing pump.

Stock No
Vibratory Deburring & Polishing Machines
Walther Trowal VN1206
Year of Manufacture
1200L / 1700 x 800 x 1000mm Deep
Vibratory Trough
Other Info
Unload Media Conveyed to separation deck
From a working environment, Good Condition
Walther Trowal DLT4 Dryer More Images Available

Walther Trowal DLT4 Continuous Rotary Drum High Component Volume Maize Dryer

This second hand Walther Trowal DLT4 parts dryer is for the drying of mass produced parts on a continuous basis. Ideally suited as a secondary process after mass parts finishing in vibratory and high energy systems.

Stock No
Vibratory Deburring & Polishing Machines
Walther Trowal DLT.4SM
Year of Manufacture
1,000 (kg/h)
Continuous parts dryer
Other Info
High throughput machine
From a working environment, Excellent Condition, Current Model
Unit 6 Derby
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CRUICSHANKS Barrel Type Motorized Deburring Machine More Images Available

Cruickshank Barrel Type Motorized Deburring / Cleaning Machine

Open ended, medium duty, tilting tumble barrel for use with a variety of components for cleaning and deburring.

Stock No
Barreling & Rumbling Machinery
Cruickshank Medium duty barrel
255 dia x 350
Open Ended Barreling / Rumbling Machine
Other Info
Upgraded Electrical Controls
Seen working by RSW, Good Condition
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CRUICSHANKS barrel Type Motorized Deburring Machine More Images Available

Cruickshank Barrel Type Motorized Deburring Machine

Open ended, medium duty, tilting tumble barrel for use with a variety of components for cleaning and deburring.

Stock No
Barreling & Rumbling Machinery
Cruickshank Medium duty barrel
335 dia x 490
Open Ended Barreling / Rumbling Machine
Other Info
1425/31 rpm
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Rollwasch® / Wheelabrator  Round Bowl Vibratory Machine Video Available

Rollwasch SmartLine Round Bowl Vibratory Machine

The Wheelabrator Vibro RVS-5 vibratory bowl with separation and unload is designed for processing medium size components and higher volume batches, as well as prototypes. Well suited for processing metallic components and additive manufactured 3D printed components alike.

Stock No
Vibratory Deburring & Polishing Machines
Rollwasch RVS-5
Year of Manufacture
550 Litres gross, 350 Litres net
Bowl with separator
Other Info
Footprint 2100 x 3500 x 3000 mm
Seen working by RSW, Ex demonstration, Current Model
Available for immediate collection
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Acton Water Treatment Facility with Centrifuge Video Available

Acton Waste Water Sludge Separation / Treatment Facility with Centrifuge.

Designed for vibratory surface finishing machines, this settlement tank with centrifuge recycles the process water through the system filtering out the sediment and impurities, returning the clean water to the process for re-use. Sediment is collected in the centrifuge inner chamber lining which is swapped for cleaning and reduced downtime.

Stock No
Vibratory Deburring & Polishing Machines
Acton A 800 Batch Centrifuge
Year of Manufacture
Tank ~ 280L : Centrifuge ~ 100L
High Speed Sludge Centrifugal Separator.
Other Info
280L Stainless Steel Holding Mixing Tank
Good Condition, Seen powered at RSW
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S.M. Systems Vibrofin Vibratory Tumbling Machine More Images Available

S.M. Systems Vibrofin Vibratory Tumbling Machine

A vibratory cast polyurethane lined process bowl with a 120 litres gross processing capacity, manual separation flap. A full set of new springs and bushes have been fitted.

Stock No
Vibratory Deburring & Polishing Machines
S.M. Systems SMA200
120 Litres
Vibratory Bowl
Other Info
1kW // 1.5HP motor
From a working environment, Good Condition, Current Model
Refurbished Price [?]
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S.M. Systems High Energy Horizontal Barrel Tumbling Machine Video Available

S.M. Systems High Energy Horizontal Barrel Tumbling Machine

Super Fin centrifugal finishing is a unique high energy mass finishing process. In this machine, four barrels are mounted on the periphery of the rotating turret. The turret rotates in one direction and the four barrels in the opposite thus creating a high energy polishing/barrelling action.

Stock No
Barreling & Rumbling Machinery
S.M. Systems Super fin SF 30
4 x 7.5 Litre Barrel - 135 dia x 490 mm
Centrifugal Finishing Machine
Other Info
Infinitely Controllable Variable Speed
From a working environment, Excellent Condition, Current Model
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Twin Barrelling Machine More Images Available

Osro Canning DB50 Twin Drum Barrelling Machine

This twin barrel Osro Canning DB50 is a heavy duty industrial quality construction to support media on part, part on part and steel ball burnishing finishing applications. Standard barrel sizes of 400mm A/F with 2 compartments per machine.

Stock No
Barreling & Rumbling Machinery
Osro DB50
2 x barrels of 400mm AF x 200 wide
Horizontal barrelling machine
Other Info
Variable speed unit 15-55 rpm
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vw1159 CA340 Vibratory Bowl More Images Available

Walther Trowal CA340 Vibratory Bowl

The CA340 is a cast poly lined 350 ltr capacity overlapping helical vibratory bowl. The "Circlon" CA bowl is an automatic vibratory process, and with its spiral process channel design which minimises damage and scratches to the components

Stock No
Vibratory Deburring & Polishing Machines
Walther Trowal CA 340A
Year of Manufacture
340 ltr
Helical vibratory bowl
Other Info
Premier design and build
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Canning Open Ended Barrel Machine More Images Available

Canning Open Ended Drying / Barreling Machine

Drying out barrels are used for the speedy drying of small articles after electro-deposition, bright dipping or wet barrel burnishing. For maximum efficiency it is recommended that Grit-o-Cobs be used with these barrels.

Stock No
Barreling & Rumbling Machinery
Canning Gas fired sawdust drying barrel
Other Info
gas fired
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