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Machines & equipment for sale

What is Shot Peening?

What is Shot Peening

A process widely used in manufacturing mechanical parts, shot peening is known for hardening the surface of metal components to prepare them for use. As the life of these parts will often be repetitive & stressful, fractures and breaks are liable. Shot peening is used to reinforce the surface of the metal, strengthening the fatigue resistance.

Shot peening is a cold work process when a media in the form of small circular objects is shot at a metal subject with enough force that results in a small dent to the surface. The media can be metal, glass or ceramic, with multiple of the small ball-bearing sized objects used to create multiple tiny indentations to the surface. As each impact indents the surface, the directly targeted area will cave in with surrounding (softer) material pushing to the sides into the compression range. Because lots of media is aimed at the area, the compression range will be repetitively hit causing the overall area to be compressed & encased in a compressively stressed layer.

Benefits of Shot Peening

  • Strengthens the surface of the metal.
  • Increase fatigue resistance, increasing the functional longevity of the item.
  • Reduces the possibility of cracking.
  • Remove unwanted tension in the material (from previous processes).
  • Fills out surface pores.
  • Produces a ‘pebbly’ surface which is desirable with certain components.
  • Dislodge small debris.

Due to the compression, shot peening can marginally distort the surface of the metal which could be problematic for parts that require precision. For these circumstances particle shot peening would be used, as it uses a smaller medium that could be more carefully controlled.

Who Uses Shot Peening?

Commonly used in the medical, aerospace & automotive industries, shot peening is used for an extensive range of items such as gears, springs, rods, crankshafts, pistons, drill bits, propeller shafts, turbine blades, epidural gear & much more.

Shot Peening Components

Machines for Application

When it comes to shot peening there are two types of machines that can achieve the desired effect, air blasting machines & centrifugal wheelblast machines. As each has its advantages, it is common that specific components are more suitable to be hardened by one machine rather than the other.

Air Blasting

Utilizing compressed air to shoot media at the surface, air blasting machines are precise and efficient, firing the media via a nozzle. Requiring to be connected to an air supply, these machines can accurately control the speed the media is fired at. Their design can vary, frequently seen as self-contained blast rooms, abrasive blast cabinets or portable equipment, potentially containing multiple nozzle guns for increased coverage.

Centrifugal Wheelblast

To shoot its media and implied by its name wheelblast, these machines use a high-speed paddle wheel to fire their media. These machines are often called airless blasting machines to differentiate the pending technology from air blast machinery. Able to fire at a speedy rate, the movement of the wheel is directly driven or belt driven. All this takes place inside a closed chamber, the centrifugal force allowing for even coverage to the surface of all the parts inside.


Upon comparison, both these machines are very efficient at shot peening so deciding on which to use for different components is dependent on their strengths.

Air Blasting

Centrifugal Wheelblast


- Accurate & precise


- Thorough & in-depth


- Optional forms of blast rooms, cabinets portable equipment   



- Shorter time cycles


- Process larger batches or larger items


- The volume of media shot will process a larger area



If you are looking for a shot peening machine but are unsure on which machine to buy, you can contact our team for more information at [email protected] or call us at +44(0)1922 45 8000.


Brand New
Dynamiki Dynablaster M11 Shot Blast Machine
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Dynamiki Dynablaster M11 Suction Venturi Shot Blast Machine

The M11 suction feed cabinet is a general purpose heavy duty workshop machine suitable for a wide range of blasting applications. Designed for easy access with a large front opening door

Stock No
Suction Venturi Blast Cabinets
Dynamiki M11
Work Envelope (WxDxH mm) [?]
1000 x 700 x 1000
Work Handling Method
Brand New, Current Model
Available subject to build time
Price [?]
Please call on +44 (0) 1922 45 8000
Brand New
Dynamiki Dynablaster M12 Shot Blast Machine
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Dynamiki Dynablaster M12 Suction Venturi Shot Blast Machine

The M12 suction feed cabinet is a general purpose heavy duty workshop machine suitable for a wide range of blasting applications. Designed for a smaller floor space with rear mounted dust collector.

Stock No
Suction Venturi Blast Cabinets
Dynamiki M-12
Work Envelope (WxDxH mm) [?]
1000 x 800 x 950
Work Handling Method
Other Info
400v 3 phase
Brand New
Available subject to build time
Price [?]
Please call on +44 (0) 1922 45 8000
Brand New
Riley 1250 Pressure Shot Blast Cabinet
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Riley 1200 Pressure Shot Blast Cabinet

The Riley pressure fed shot blasting cabinet with an 8 litre pressure pot for high quality finishing. Includes a front opening door for easy component handling and a matched dust collector.

Stock No
Pressure Fed Blast Cabinets
Riley Various
Work Envelope (WxDxH mm) [?]
1200 x 1000 x 850mm
Brand New, Excellent Condition, Current Model
Available subject to build time
Price [?]
Please call on +44 (0) 1922 45 8000
Brand New
Riley Auto Alloy Wheel Blaster
Video Available

Riley Auto Alloy Wheel Blaster

Quick and quality automatic blasting of alloy wheels. Reduces staffing costs and increases throughput (approx 3.5 minutes per wheel) with a consistent quality finish, Airless technology.

Stock No
Airless & Automated Blast Equipment
Riley Auto Wheel Blaster
Work Envelope (WxDxH mm) [?]
1x Alloy Wheel
Work Handling Method
Other Info
Fast, airless blasting
Brand New
Available subject to build time
Price [?]
Please call on +44 (0) 1922 45 8000
Sold Subject to Contract
Vacublast (Wheelabrator) Blastmaster PB150 Pressure Fed Manual Blast Cabinet
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Vacublast (Wheelabrator) Blastmaster PB150 Pressure Fed Manual Blast Cabinet

A much sought-after Wheelabrator Blastmaster PB150 large capacity pressure blast cabinet, has been designed specifically for a large number of media blasting applications where high work output is required designed, and built for the aerospace industry. Ex BAE Systems.

Stock No
Pressure Fed Blast Cabinets
Vacublast (Wheelabrator) Blastmaster PB150
Year of Manufacture
Work Envelope (WxDxH mm) [?]
1500 x 1335 x 930
Work Handling Method
Manual Left and right hand Door
Other Info
Very Heavy Duty Traditional Large Cabin
From a working environment, Seen working by RSW
Rolls Royce stores, near Derby, UK
Vacublast (Wheelabrator) Blastmaster PB150 Pressure Fed Manual Blast Cabinet More Images Available

Vacublast (Wheelabrator) Blastmaster PB150 Pressure Fed Manual Blast Cabinet

A much sought-after Wheelabrator Blastmaster PB150 Pressure Fed Manual blast cabinet, has been designed specifically for a large number of media blasting applications where high work output is required designed, and built for the aerospace industry. Ex BAE Systems.

Stock No
Pressure Fed Blast Cabinets
Vacublast (Wheelabrator) Blastmaster PB150
Year of Manufacture
Work Envelope (WxDxH mm) [?]
1500 x 1335 x 930mm
Work Handling Method
Other Info
Heavy Duty Gravity Shot Recovery
From a working environment, Seen working by RSW
Rolls Royce stores, near Derby, UK
Refurbished Price [?]
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Sold As Seen Price [?]
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Sold Subject to Contract
Gutterridge Shotblast System
Video Available

Surface Dynamics Automated 4 Gun Twin Axis Shot Peening System

This blasting system is designed for the automatic cleaning of jet engine blades. The blast cabinet includes a powered turntable and fitted to a linear actuator are 4 blast nozzles. Media recovery including sieving for re-use is also used, plus a powerful dust extraction system.

Stock No
Airless & Automated Blast Equipment
Surface Dynamics ALOX 180 Auto Blasting
Year of Manufacture
Work Envelope (WxDxH mm) [?]
1010 x 700 x 1130
Work Handling Method
Manual Load Rotary Table 4 x Recip' Guns
Other Info
Programmable auto Blast Process
Excellent Condition, Current Model, Seen powered at RSW
Vacublast (Wheelabrator) Ventus 150S Semi Automated Blast Machine Video Available

Vacublast (Wheelabrator) Ventus 150S, Semi Automated Blast Machine

The Wheelabrator Vacublast Ventus model 150S Semi Automatic Peener is a suction feed air blast cabinet that has been designed specifically for production applications where a less aggressive surface treatment is required.

Stock No
Airless & Automated Blast Equipment
Vacublast (Wheelabrator) Ventus model 150S
Work Envelope (WxDxH mm) [?]
1500 x 1300 x 900
Work Handling Method
Semi Automatic
Other Info
Unimaster UMA 152 Dust Collector
From a working environment, Seen working by RSW, Good Condition
Refurbished Price [?]
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Sold As Seen Price [?]
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Vixen JB 220 Jetblast Machine Video Available

Vixen Surface Treatments JB 220 Jetblast Machine

The Jetair JB220 is ideally suited to cleaning components which can be tumble-blasted using steel shot to remove rust, scale and paint such as those in the re-manufacturing industries. Very low run hours.

Stock No
Airless & Automated Blast Equipment
Vixen Surface Treatments JB220
Year of Manufacture
Work Envelope (WxDxH mm) [?]
Ø525 x 700
Work Handling Method
Manual load auto blast
Other Info
Compact Airless Tumble Blast
Good Condition, Current Model, Seen powered at RSW
Refurbished Price [?]
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Sold As Seen Price [?]
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Guyson Semi Automatic Suction Ventruri Tumble Blast Machine More Images Available

Guyson International T40 Suction Venturi Tumble Blast Machine

A Guyson T40 Tumbleblast is for suction venturi blasting bead and grit when surface processing batches of small metal components. Tumbling the components inside a rotating drum whilst being blasted to achieve the required surface finish.

Stock No
Suction Venturi Blast Cabinets
Guyson International T40 Tumble Blast
Year of Manufacture
Work Envelope (WxDxH mm) [?]
Ø500 x 200 Basket (No Basket Included)
Work Handling Method
Manual Load : Auto Tumble Blast
Other Info
Barrel Blast C/W Variable Speed Drive
From a working environment, Good Condition
Refurbished Price [?]
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Sold As Seen Price [?]
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Wheelabrator M101 Tumble Belt Shotblast Machine More Images Available

Wheelabrator Wheelabrator M101 Self Contained, Fully Packaged, Tumble Belt Shotblast Machine

The Wheelabrator M101 shot blast machine offers a low-cost solution to batch clean tumble-proof components in the most efficient and economical way.

Stock No
Airless & Automated Blast Equipment
Wheelabrator Tumble Blast M101
Work Envelope (WxDxH mm) [?]
825 x 600
Work Handling Method
Manual load, Automatic cycle
From a working environment, Good Condition
Refurbished Price [?]
£ Login or Register for price.
Sold As Seen Price [?]
£ Login or Register for price.
Wheelabrator Vacublast, Automatic Vector 150P Shot Blast Cabinet Video Available

Wheelabrator Vacublast, Very Heavy Duty, Automatic, Programmable, Vector 150P Shot Blast Cabinet

The Ventus 150P pressure fed air blast cabinet from Wheelabrator has been refurbished and upgraded to include the latest in HMI control and designed for specific production applications where a high work output is required.

Stock No
Airless & Automated Blast Equipment
Wheelabrator Programmable Ventas 150 P Automated
Year of Manufacture
Ref 2018
Work Envelope (WxDxH mm) [?]
1500 x 1400 x 1190
Work Handling Method
Load End Driven Table Auto X & Y Axis
Other Info
Touch Screen program Controller (2018)
From a working environment, Seen working by RSW, Good Condition
Sold As Seen Price [?]
£ Login or Register for price.
Guyson Formula F1600 Shot blaster
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Guyson International Guyson Formula F1600 Suction Venturi Shot Blasting Cabinet

The Guyson Formula 1600 blast cabinet is ideal for light duty applications or when blasting is required on an intermittent basis, such as school design technology and craft departments, art glass workshops and general maintenance departments.

Stock No
Suction Venturi Blast Cabinets
Guyson International F1600
Work Envelope (WxDxH mm) [?]
1050 x 700 x 700mm
Work Handling Method
Manual loading
Other Info
With matching dust extractor
From a working environment, Good Condition, Current Model
Guyson International Guyson Super 6 Venturi Shotblast More Images Available

Guyson International Guyson Super 6 Venturi Shotblaster with Extraction Unit

A second hand popular Guyson Model super 6 suction venturi feed blast cabinet which has a universal appeal for all those medium sized engineering blast and cleaning jobs

Stock No
Suction Venturi Blast Cabinets
Guyson International Super 6
Work Envelope (WxDxH mm) [?]
1000 x 530 x 530
Work Handling Method
Manual with Multiple Door Access
Other Info
Separate Dust Extractor
Seen working by RSW, Excellent Condition, Current Model
Refurbished Price [?]
£ Login or Register for price.
Sold As Seen Price [?]
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Guyson International SF Blasting Cabinet More Images Available

Guyson International Euroblast 6 SF Suction Fed Blasting Cabinet

A second hand popular Guyson Model 6 suction venturi feed blast cabinet which has a universal appeal for all those medium sized engineering blast and cleaning jobs

Stock No
Suction Venturi Blast Cabinets
Guyson International DBH6/40 SF
Work Envelope (WxDxH mm) [?]
975 x 700 x 600mm
Work Handling Method
Manual with 3 Access Doors
Other Info
Very Little Used
From a working environment, Good Condition
Refurbished Price [?]
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Sold As Seen Price [?]
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